



  1. useEffect

    看了为什么你不应该在 React 中直接使用 useEffect 从 API 获取数据 | Sukka’s Blog后转而使用封装好的useSWR,现在体验感很好。

  2. useParams()获取不到参数


    Returns an object of key/value pairs of the dynamic params from the current URL that were matched by the route path.


  3. Rendered more hooks than during the previous render.


  4. Redux,虽然用起来了,但现在还是懵懵的,还是得再看文档







看了Thinking in React,记录一下

  • Which of these are state? Identify the ones that are not:

    1. Does it remain unchanged over time? If so, it isn’t state.
    2. Is it passed in from a parent via props? If so, it isn’t state.
    3. Can you compute it based on existing state or props in your component? If so, it definitely isn’t state!

    What’s left is probably state.

  • For each piece of state in your application:

    1. Identify every component that renders something based on that state.
    2. Find their closest common parent component -> a component above them all in the hierarchy.
    3. Often, you can put the state directly into their common parent.
    4. You can also put the state into some component above their common parent.
    5. If you can’t find a component where it makes sense to own the state, create a new component solely for holding the state and add it somewhere in the hierarchy above the common parent component.


最近的一个小玩具EuDs63/postkid有轻量级的状态管理需求,权衡下决定使用Jotai, primitive and flexible state management for React,开始的体验很不错。






现在再看我的实现,感觉还是比较简陋的。每个标签页对应一个特定的tagId,然后atomFamily就是"a Map whose key is a param and whose value is an atom config"。


  • useCallback – React

    1. useCallback is a Hook, so you can only call it at the top level of your component or your own Hooks.
    2. useCallback caches a function between re-renders until its dependencies change
    3. usage:Skipping re-rendering of components
    4. useMemo caches the result of calling your function
    5. The only benefit to useCallback is that it lets you avoid writing an extra nested function inside. It doesn’t do anything else.
  • 真的不可以在 React 组件内部嵌套定义子组件吗? - PRIN BLOG

    • 永远不要在 React 组件内部嵌套定义子组件。
    • 「渲染函数」和「函数组件」的区别:
      1. 渲染函数虽然和组件一样都返回 JSX,但它不是组件;
      2. 渲染函数就是普通 JavaScript 函数,没有状态,也没有对应的 Fiber 节点;
      3. 渲染函数只是当前组件的一部分,对于 React 渲染来说没有额外开销;
      4. 渲染函数内部不能使用 Hooks,只有组件内部才能使用 Hooks;
      5. 渲染函数命名一般以 render 开头,首字母小写(否则容易和组件搞混)
      6. 调用方式
    • shuding/tilg: A magical React Hook that helps you debug components.可以用来展示组件生命周期。
  • 报错:useEffect is called conditionally


    React Hook “useEffect” is called conditionally. React Hooks must be called in the exact same order in every component render. react-hooks/rules-of-hooks


  • Render and Commit – React

    • 在 React 中,每次更新都分为 两个阶段:
      1. 在 渲染 阶段, React 调用你的组件来确定屏幕上应该显示什么。
      2. 在 提交 阶段, React 把变更应用于 DOM。
    • Process of requesting and serving UI has three steps:
      1. Triggering a render
      2. Rendering
      3. Committing to the DOM
    • Two reasons for a component to render:
      1. It’s the component’s initial render.
      2. The component’s (or one of its ancestors’) state has been updated.


  • Developer Way: React components composition: how to get it right
    • The core React development and decomposition rules:
      1. always start implementation from the top
      2. extract components only when there is an actual need for it
      3. always start from “simple” components, introduce other composition techniques only when there is an actual need for them
    • A component should be described either as a “component that implements various stuff” or as a “component that composes various components together”, not both.
    • Extract Container components when there is a need to share some visual or behavioural logic that wraps elements that still need to be under “consumer” control
    • What makes a good component?
      1. 易读
      2. 命名清晰准确
      3. doesn’t do things that are irrelevant to its declared purpose


  • Composition vs Inheritance – React

    • “children” is just a prop. The fancy “composition” pattern that we use is a syntax sugar.
    • Inheritance is not recommended. If you want to reuse non-UI functionality between components, we suggest extracting it into a separate JavaScript module. The components may import it and use that function, object, or class, without extending it.
  • Developer Way: The mystery of React Element, children, parents and re-renders

    • Components that are passed as props don’t re-render.
    • If children are passed as a render function, they start re-rendering.



  • 受控组件 v.s 非受控组件

    • 参考重新认识受控与非受控组件
    • In a controlled component, form data is handled by a React component.
    • In a uncontrolled component, form data is handled by the DOM itself.
    • 受控以及非受控组件的边界划分取决于当前组件对于子组件值的变更是否拥有控制权。
  • 当我输入时,输入框光标会跳到开头– React 中文文档

    有可能是因为每次输入时输入框都从 DOM 中删除并重新添加。同样,如果在每次重新渲染时不小心 重置了 state,就会发生这种情况。例如,如果输入框或其祖先组件总是接收不同的 key,或者嵌套使用组件(这在 React 中是不允许的,并且会导致“内部”组件在每次渲染时重新挂载),就会发生这种情况。



  • redux

  • useContext的使用

  • 自定义hook


  • ref 是一个普通的 JavaScript 对象,具有可以被读取和修改的 current 属性。
  • ref 和 state 的不同之处
    1. 更改不会触发渲染
    2. 无set
    3. 可变 —— 你可以在渲染过程之外修改和更新 current 的值。
    4. 不应在渲染期间读取(或写入) current 值。
  • 使用时机
    1. 当一条信息仅被事件处理器需要,并且更改它不需要重新渲染时,使用 ref 可能会更高效。
    2. 你的组件需要“跳出” React 并与外部 API 通信时
    3. 存储和操作 DOM 元素
    4. 存储不需要被用来计算 JSX 的其他对象
  • ref回调函数
    1. 参考ref 回调函数 – React 中文文档
    2. 不要从 ref 回调函数中返回任何内容。
    3. 当回调函数被附加在 ref 属性后,触发回调时,该参数为对应的 DOM 节点。当 ref 被分离时值为 null。除非在每次渲染时都传递相同的函数引用作为 ref 回调,否则该回调将在组件的每次重新渲染期间被暂时分离和重新连接。
  • 默认情况下,React 不允许组件访问其他组件的 DOM 节点:可使用forwardRef,例:
    const MyInput = forwardRef((props, ref) => {
      return <input {...props} ref={ref} />;
  • 使用命令句柄暴露一部分 API
  • React 在提交阶段设置 ref.current。在更新 DOM 之前,React 将受影响的 ref.current值设置为 null。更新 DOM 后,React 立即将它们设置到相应的 DOM 节点。




  • 什么hooks不能写在if/else等语句里
  • 你是怎么理解React的?(答得非常烂,建议从数据驱动 ui = f(state)、响应式 fiber + 异步可中断更新、组件化 component,hooks、跨平台 scheduler;reconciler;render;vdom,合成事件系统等方面答)
  • React18新特性(concurrent)
  • react有没有什么缺点(能没有缺点吗,死怼运行时,hooks凭啥不能写在if/else里,useXXX到底怎么个use法,过期闭包,依赖全得手动写,如果用eslint那么里面用过的都会要你加到依赖数组里)
  • react hooks为啥不能写在if/else里(底层实现就是个链表,一个有序的东西)
  • react hooks能实现类里面的所有生命周期吗
  • 路由怎么做的 什么守卫


组件间通信 自定义hook

  • react hook
  • react 组件传值
  • react父组件怎么获取子组件的值 useRef
  • react provider标签以及其使用原理
  • react 路由的两种模式








Responsive React File Upload Component With Drag And Drop - DEV Community

尤其是“Why are we setting the title and value attribute to “"?”这段,之前我看别人的代码这样写还以为是错的,原来是有其独特作用的。


